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Tasmania loses title of best tap water in Australia to Queensland

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Tasmania’s reign as the home of Australia’s best-tasting tap water has come to an end, with the title yesterday awarded to a regional Queensland.

Isaac Regional Council was crowned the winner at the IXOM Water Industry Operations Association of Australia event held in Hobart on Saturday.


TasWater’s Brendan Windmeyer said the competition was a chance to recognise the hard work of water service providers and their teams.

“We are honoured to have had the opportunity to host the annual competition here in Tasmania, having taken home the title in 2023 with our famed Fern Tree water,” he said.

“The competition is a chance to commend the unseen efforts of water service providers and their workforce, whose dedication makes Australia’s tap water reliable, safe and enjoyable to drink.”

Fern Tree tap water

Tasmania’s entry from Fern Tree, which captures rainfall and snowmelt from kunanyi / Mt Wellington, was a crowd favourite and put up a tough competition, Windmeyer said.

The winning water from Isaac Regional Council will now represent Australia at the prestigious Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Competition in West Virginia, USA, in February 2025.

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