Political donations over $1,000 must now be publicly declared in Tasmania under landmark legislation championed by the Tasmanian Greens.
The reform, which this week passed through the Legislative Council, applies to political parties, sitting members of parliament and election candidates.
Greens MLC Cassy O’Connor said having the bill move through and pass the Legislative Council was a “big win” for transparency.
“The Greens have been fighting for these changes for years, but despite opposition from the major parties, we’ve never given up,” O’Connor said.

“It is a significant step towards ensuring Tasmanians know which corporations and other vested interests are trying to buy their politicians.”
The new legislation mandates monthly disclosure of donations, a change from the previous requirement that only donations above $5,000 be reported on a six-monthly basis.

O’Connor said secret political donations have a “corrupting influence” on politics and are frequently used to “buy political favours”.
“They result in worse outcomes for the Tasmanian people and environment,” she said.
“Now, the major parties’ corporate donations and the deals that go with them, will be brought into the sunlight.”
The bill is set to become law after a procedural third reading vote on April 1.