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Tasmanian Labor party released from national administration, Rebecca White confirms

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Current Tasmanian Labor MPs. Image / Supplied

The Tasmanian branch of the Labor Party is no longer under the control of the national executive, National Secretary Paul Erickson has confirmed.

The party had been under administration since July 2022 to ‘improve its culture and reinstate trust’, with former Senators Nick Sherry and Doug Cameron called in to manage it.


“The Administrators’ final report outlined improvements to the governance, administration, rules, culture and campaign capacity of the Tasmanian branch which occurred under their stewardship,” Erickson said in a statement.

“The National Executive is confident the Tasmanian Branch is well placed to govern and administer itself without the assistance of the Administrators.”

Paul Erickson. Image / Mick Tsikas

He said the Tasmanian Branch was “well placed to contest the next State and Federal elections”.

Labor leader Rebecca White has welcomed the end of national administration and said control was now back in local hands.

Tasmanian Labor Leader Rebecca White. Image / Pulse

“Tasmanian Labor’s role is to continue to build a modern organisation that can help Labor win government,” she said.

“This is a major milestone for Labor, and delivers on my commitment to get our house in order.”


“While Jeremy Rockliff’s government collapses around him, Labor is stronger than ever and ready to govern.”

The report highlights former Labor leader David O’Byrne’s decision to run as an independent in the seat of Franklin, complicating the party’s ability to form a majority government.

David O’Byrne in Tasmanian Parliament. Image / Pulse

The report also emphasised the need for the party to attract younger members.

In a statement, the state government, through Franklin MP Dean Young, said: “No doubt Mr O’Byrne and his many grassroots supporters in the Party will be questioning the timing of today’s announcement, which allegedly returns power to local members just weeks after the national takeover was used to oust him.”

“No amount of sticky tape, tissue paper and training wheels can change the fact that Labor are deeply divided and dysfunctional, and not capable of governing themselves, let alone the state.”

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