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Tasmanian photographer captures rare sight of RAAF fighter jets in the sky

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Sowter said he had goosebumps after photographing the fighter jets. Image / GVS Media

A Tasmanian photographer has documented the rare sight of four Royal Australian Air Force F-35A Lightning II jets in our state’s skies.

Gary Sowter of GVS Media photographed the advanced fighter aircraft on Tuesday morning during training exercises near Tinderbox in the state’s south.


“I still have goose bumps,” Sowter said following the encounter.

“Not every day you get to point your lens at four of the new RAAF F-35A Lightnings outside of an airshow, as they conducted a training mission from Williamstown Airbase to southern Tasmania.”

Sowter plans to capture more images of the jets today. Image / GVS Media

The photographer told Pulse he would be travelling to another location to capture more images of the aircraft today, having now been commissioned by one of the Tasmanian pilots.

Up to four F-35A Lightning II aircraft from Number 77 Squadron based at Williamtown near Newcastle are conducting navigation exercises around Tasmania from March 24 to 26.

The Royal Australian Air Force jets were spotted near Tinderbox. Image / GVS Media

The RAAF confirmed the jets would not land at any Tasmanian airports during their training mission.

As part of the exercises, junior aircrew are participating in multiple different training scenarios while taking the opportunity to conduct navigation exercises and tactical missions.


The RAAF said noise reduction and the environment are “vital considerations in the planning and conduct of military flying”.

The training mission included navigation exercises and tactical missions. Image / GVS Media

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