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Tasmanian surf life saving volunteers cop parking fines while on the job

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Volunteers received parking fines while on duty

Volunteers at a Tasmanian surf life saving club have been slapped with fines for parking along the beach while they’re out saving lives on the water.

The Burnie Surf Life Saving Club says the north-west town is one of the only areas in Australia where volunteers have to pay to park while on duty.


In response, Deputy Mayor Giovanna Simpson is planning to move a motion at Tuesday’s council meeting to provide up to six parking permits to lifeguards at the club.

The permits would allow lifeguards to lawfully park along the beach and would only be issued to volunteers on the day of their duty.

The permits would allow lifeguards to park along the beach while on duty

According to Simpson, around 10 lifeguards typically work on Saturdays during the season, some of whom are under 17 and unable to drive.

She says it is vitally important that lifeguards are able to respond quickly to critical incidents and emergencies without the distraction of parking fines.

The permits would be managed under the current lease agreement with the surf club

“When called out to these emergencies, paying for parking goes on the back burner,” she said.

“The lifeguards are protecting our community and risk their own lives when saving others.”


The motion will be discussed at Tuesday’s council meeting.

If approved, the permits will be issued under the current lease agreement with the surf club.

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