A Hobart teenager who allegedly pushed a mobile speed and phone detection camera from the side of a Berriedale road over the weekend will be charged.
The 19-year-old Claremont man will front the Hobart Magistrates Court at a later date for allegedly damaging and interfering with the camera, an offence that could attract a fine of up to $1,950.
June: Tasmanian speed cameras ‘go full robocop’ with new warning voice
Tasmania’s fleet of mobile traffic enforcement cameras are being armed with new ‘dystopian’ like features designed to deter damage and vandalism.
In exclusive Pulse footage, a speed camera on the Tasman Highway can be seen ‘yelling’ in an American voice at a passerby – flashing its red and blue lights to keep them away.
“You are trespassing. Please leave the area. This area is under video surveillance and you have been recorded,” the machine can be heard saying.

A Tasmanian State Growth spokesperson tells Pulse “a range” of security features have been implemented on the cameras to combat potential vandalism – including on-board CCTV.
“The features are customisable to suit the specific area in which the systems are deployed so settings will be different for a high-foot traffic area as opposed to a country roadside,” they said.
“The cameras are also equipped with GPS tracking and real time back-to-base alerts, and include both audio messages and flashing lights to alert people that they are being recorded and to move away”.
Three vandalism events have occurred to date on the mobile cameras, with two under investigation by Tasmania Police and prosecution underway on one.
It is an offence to interfere with a mobile speed camera in Tasmania and vandalism can attract a fine of up to $1,950.
State Growth has confirmed the audio warnings and flashing lights will not be used in urban areas.