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Unmarked police motorcycle nabs Bridgewater driver 65km/h over limit on Midland Highway

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Tasmania Police Highway Patrol motorbike, car. Image / Pulse

An unmarked police motorbike has caught a young driver hurtling south on the Midland Highway at 65km/h above the speed limit.

The 21-year-old from Bridgewater was stopped just after 9am on Saturday going 145km/h in the 80km/h zone.


Sergeant Steve Dine said his red Mazda 3 was impounded for 28 days and the driver was charged with excessive speeding offences.

Dine said it was always “extremely concerning” to find a vehicle travelling at that speed, in that location, at any time of day.

“The smallest error of judgement or miscalculation could have had fatal consequences for the driver and other road users,” he said.

“Tasmania Police will continue to focus on the Fatal Five during the Easter break and remind each and every driver to focus on speed, wearing seatbelts, monitor fatigue, distraction and drink and drug driving.”

The man will appear in the Hobart Magistrates Court at a later date.

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