Update – Sunday 4:35pm: The fire has now been downgraded to an advice level warning, with the TFS saying there is no immediate threat.
Earlier: A bushfire burning near Triabunna has prompted a watch and act warning from authorities this afternoon.
People in the Boltons Beach area are being told to take action now to protect themselves, their family and their home.
The fire is expected to impact Hermitage Road at Boltons Beach, approximately 13km north of Triabunna, in the next two to four hours

Tasmania Fire Service crews are on the scene and have classified the blaze as “difficult to control”.
Embers, smoke and ash are likely to fall on Hermitage Road, authorities say.

“Take action now to protect yourself, your family and your home,” the Fire Service advises.
“If you are not prepared for a bushfire, be ready to leave for a safer place.”