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West Coast workers and local mayors head to Canberra to fight for salmon industry

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Luke Martin is the CEO of Salmon Tasmania. Image / Pulse

A group of West Coast workers, community leaders and scientists have travelled to Canberra to lobby politicians in support of the salmon industry.

The ‘Save Our Jobs Delegation’ includes employees from Tassal, Petuna and Huon Aquaculture, representatives from the Australian Workers Union.


Joining them are Devonport Mayor Alison Jarman, West Coast Mayor Shane Pitt and Salmon Tasmania CEO Luke Martin.

Their visit coincides with Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s consideration of revoking approvals under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act for marine farming expansion in Macquarie Harbour.

Salmon farms in Macquarie Harbour. Image / File

This potential decision has sparked concerns over the impact of salmon farming on the endangered Maugean skate.

Martin said the delegation will meet with the Prime Minister, various ministers and other members of parliament to emphasise the industry’s importance to the region.

The ‘Save Our Jobs Delegation’ includes Tassal, Petuna and Huon Aquaculture employees. Image / Pulse

“These people live, work, love and are deeply invested in the environment of the West Coast,” he said.

“They are committed to the health of the environment. They certainly know the ins and outs of Maugean skate.”


West Coast Mayor Shane Pitt said he does not want his community to become “collateral damage” in the Labor Minister’s bid to win over mainland voters.

“This is our worst fear, to have a minister who is completely captive to environmental groups, voters in inner-city Sydney and a bureaucracy that has never even been to Macquarie Harbour,” Pitt said.

Greens MP Cecily Rosol. Image / Pulse

“I’m not going to sit on my hands and wait for them to come to us. I’m taking our fight directly to Canberra.”

Meanwhile, Greens MP Cecily Rosol is calling for fast action to remove the industry from the harbour and save the endangered species.


“The Maguean Skate are on the brink of extinction and we would like to see a decision made as soon as possible to protect them at the same time as protecting the workers on the West Coast,” she said.

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