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Winter hazards prompt safety warnings for Tasmanian park visitors

Pulse Tasmania
Rescue helicopter lands in a remote snowy area. Image / Supplied

Tasmanians are being urged to take extra care when visiting parks and reserves this winter, as the colder months can bring increased hazards like severe weather changes and the risk of hypothermia.

Minister for Parks and Environment Nick Duigan said that while winter can be a great time for bushwalking, it comes with higher risks.


“We want visitors to our parks to get out and enjoy the unique experience of walking in winter in Tasmania, to get outdoors and explore, but we want everyone to be safe,” he said.

Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service Regional Operations Manager Jayne Cooper said the state’s highland areas are popular for winter walks, but can experience severe weather and sudden weather changes more frequently at this time of year.

“Walkers should not underestimate the severity of conditions they may experience,” she said.

Tasmania Police officers on duty in a snow-covered reserve. Image / Supplied

“Another aspect visitors need to be aware of is the very short daylight hours in winter.”

“Walks that may be completed easily in the long days of summer can become a challenge to complete in the short daylight hours of winter.”

Tasmania Police Senior Sergeant Michael Gillies reiterated the importance of being prepared and carrying equipment to stay safe and enable contact with emergency services if assistance is required.


“It’s imperative that if you’re planning on bushwalking you carry items to be suitably prepared for all conditions including sub-zero temperatures, including clothing and footwear, a waterproof jacket, adequate food and water and a first aid kit,” he said.

“It’s important to always carry a communication device but don’t rely solely on your mobile phone.”

Police search and rescue team in snowy terrain. Image / Supplied

“Carry a physical map, a portable battery bank to recharge your mobile phone and a personal locator beacon.”

He added that police search and rescue teams will always respond to requests for assistance, but help could be hours away depending on the weather.

“Carrying suitable equipment will ensure you can remain safe until help arrives if required,” Gillies said.

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