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Kathrine Morgan-Wicks leaves health secretary role to lead Premier & Cabinet

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Kathrine Morgan-Wicks and Jeremy Rockliff in 2021. Image / Pulse

A new Secretary for the Department of Premier and Cabinet has been found following the resignation of Jenny Gale late last month.

Kathrine Morgan-Wicks, the current Secretary of the Department of Health, will take over the role from Monday, Premier Jeremy Rockliff has announced.


Morgan-Wicks has been in the health boss role since 2019 and previously worked across the Department of Justice and Department of Treasury and Finance.

“As Secretary … Ms Morgan-Wicks has been responsible for the delivery of the Tasmanian Health Service and overseen significant reforms throughout our public health system, including Ambulance Tasmania, major hospitals, district health services and mental health,” Rockliff said.

Department of Health Secretary Kathrine Morgan-Wicks. Image / Pulse

“More recently, Tasmanians have witnessed the leadership of Ms Morgan-Wicks throughout the COVID-19 pandemic where she was instrumental in her role as State Health Commander and was acknowledged with a public service medal.”

Rockliff said Morgan-Wicks will “drive the delivery of the Tasmanian Government’s 2030 Strong Plan” across all government departments, lead implementation of the Commission of Inquiry recommendations and work to improve outcomes for Tasmanians.

Dale Webster will fill the Acting Secretary for the Department of Health role while a nationwide recruitment process is underway.

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