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Overland Track: Thousands of bushwalkers rush to secure spots on Tasmania's iconic walk

Pulse Tasmania
Overland Track: Thousands of bushwalkers rush to secure spots on iconic walk. Image / PWS

Thousands of eager bushwalkers have again rushed to secure a spot on Tasmania’s world-renowned Overland Track for the upcoming summer season.

With only 34 walking spots available each day, Parks and Wildlife warned those hoping to make the trek that popular dates can sell out “very quickly”.


Shortly after bookings opened at 9am on Monday, there was just over 4,600 walkers in the queue, with more than 5,000 waiting after 10am.

Adults will fork out $295 each to walk the track, with kids under 17 and concession holders paying $255 each.

Hikers eager to secure a spot on the Overland Track could join a virtual waiting room an hour before bookings open. Image / Facebook

Parks and Environment Minister Nick Duigan said well over half of the available 8,200 spots had been snapped up by 2pm.

“More than 5,110 people have booked to walk the track. January is fully booked, with very limited availability in December,” he said.

The Overland Track’s popularity prompted the implementation of a new booking system to manage demand. Image / Facebook

“These limits are put in place to enable Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service can manage daily departures, along with damage to remote bushwalking environments and to support an outstanding visitor experience.”

Parks and Wildlife describe the track as a “serious undertaking” that should only be attempted by “well–prepared walkers with a good level of fitness and who understand the risks of walking in a remote alpine area”.


“​​​​The Ov​erland Track is Australia’s premier alpine walk. This exhilarating and life-changing journey attracts walkers from across the globe,” the website reads.

“Almost half of the track is above 1,000 metres in elevation on exposed plateaus in a remote area.”

Last year, over 3,000 hikers snapped up spots on the Overland Track in just six hours.

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