Volunteers working on the restoration of the Derwent Valley Railway have been left devastated after a deliberate fire tore through a newly fitted-out shipping container overnight.
The ‘Tullah House’ container had been recently renovated and insulated, panelled, wired and was filled with seating, tools and benches crafted by the dedicated team.
Volunteer Lynette Graham said it was “very upsetting” to see their hard work go up in flames “for no reason at all”.
“This with the break-ins, theft, graffiti, smashing of our windows in [a] carriage and our station building is very disheartening,” she said.
“All this cost the railway money that could and should be spent on restoration. We will still strive forward even with this senseless destructive vandalism.”
Tasmania Police confirmed to Pulse an investigation into the arson attack is underway.
They said anyone with information or sightings of suspicious activity in the area around 9pm on Sunday should come forward.
“A Tasmania Fire Service fire investigator and forensics attended the scene and confirmed the fire was deliberately lit,” police said.
Society president and Derwent Valley Mayor Michelle Dracoulis has launched a GoFundMe to support the volunteers in getting back on track.
“The railway is a volunteer organisation that works toward the preservation and restoration of Tasmanian rail stock and history, with the goal to eventually run a rail-based tourism offering in the Derwent Valley,” she said.
“This fire is a devastating setback for volunteers, who do all work on site themselves.”
“As President of the DVR I hope to see support for our small organisation which is run on heart and elbow grease.”