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Police crack down on Christmas shoplifters with high visibility patrols

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Police patrolling Hobart's Elizabeth Street Mall on Thursday. Image / Pulse

Tasmania Police will ramp up their patrols in busy shopping precincts in the lead up to Christmas as the battle against shoplifters and those engaging in antisocial behaviour continues.

Foot patrols will make up a majority of their efforts, with officers planning to specifically target shoplifters that are already known to police.


Inspector John Toohey said uniform officers, plain clothes officers, detectives and police dogs will all be deployed to the streets this month.

“These patrols are about sending a message to the small percentage of people in our community who choose to do the wrong thing – illegal activities and anti-social behaviours will not be tolerated by police,” he said.

Inspector John Toohey in Hobart’s Elizabeth Street Mall on Thursday. Image / Pulse

“Tasmania is a safe place to live, and while the vast majority of us are law abiding citizens, there is a small number of offenders who continue to do the wrong thing in our community, including shoplifting.”

Recent research from Finder found more and more Australians are resorting to theft as they struggle with the ongoing cost of living crisis.

A Police dog in Hobart’s Elizabeth Street Mall on Thursday. Image / Pulse

They found one in eight Australians has admitted to stealing in the 12 months to October, suggesting as many as 2.4 million Australians have participated in petty crime.

CrimeStoppers Tasmania are encouraging witnesses to anonymously report any illegal or anti-social behaviour at any time.


“Everyone has the right to feel safe in our community, and while Tasmania Police are doing everything they can to detect and deter crimes, there is a part we can all play to help them,” CEO David Higgins says.

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