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Questions answered: ‘Mac Point 2.0’ stadium visionaries outline plan to state government

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
'Mac Point 2.0' Hobart stadium design. Image / SolutionsWon

The brains behind Hobart’s alternative ‘Macquaire Point 2.0’ stadium are now playing a waiting game with the state government.

On Monday evening, the Stadia Precinct Consortium confirmed they had submitted a response to Premier Jeremy Rockliff’s initial round of questions on their proposed vision.


Questions being asked by the government included the source of funding for the project, ownership and operation of the venue, environmental impact, cultural aspects and how the project will enrich the state’s capital.

“We have responded at length to Premier Rockliff’s key questions in respect to finance, land ownership and the AFL agreement,” Stadia Precinct Managing Director Dean Coleman said.

Stadium 2.0 proponents Paul Lennon and Dean Coleman in front of a render of their alternative proposal. Image / Ryan Posselt

“We will continue to support the outstanding leadership shown by the Rockliff Government to date in securing the AFL team for Tasmania.”

Coleman said the team behind ‘Mac Point 2.0’ were will now “await instruction” from the Premier as to the next steps.

Tasmanian Premier Jeremy Rockliff with his plans for Macquarie Point. Image / Pulse

In November, the state government agreed to postpone consideration of any other proposals related to an alternative stadium until they received a response from the Stadia Precinct Consortium by a February 5 deadline.

Days before the announcement was made last year, the Premier rejected the idea of an alternative stadium.


“The size and complexity of the Regatta Point proposal could expose the Tasmanian government to a range of significant risks and does not include sufficient detail on a range of critical matters,” Rockliff said.

“As a result, the government is unable to support the proposal at this time.”

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