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Neil the Seal jumps on car, blocks road near popular Hobart beach

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Neil the Seal in a Hobart suburb overnight. Image / Supplied

Tasmania’s resident elephant seal has stopped drivers in a Hobart suburb overnight after he blocked a local road.

Neil the Seal reportedly jumped on a car and set off its alarm in the Clarence area, with police called in to try and move him off the road as people watched on.


The Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania is reminding people to keep a safe distance of at least 20 metres.

They say he is a still a ‘very large and powerful animal’ and could cause serious injury if he feels threatened.

Neil the Seal in a Hobart suburb overnight. Image / Supplied

The southern elephant seal is a species that can grow up to nearly six metres long and can weigh four tonnes.

The department is also asking that Neil’s location not be shared publicly, as crowds can disturb him.

Neil the Seal: Tasmania’s 600kg resident elephant seal becomes online sensation. Image / Supplied

“Although we understand the temptation to visit Neil, we are asking all members of the public to stay away,” Marine Conservation Program wildlife biologist Dr Kris Carlyon said.

In April 2023, Neil was sedated and fitted with a satellite tracker so authorities could keep tabs on his location.

Neil the Seal with his satellite tracker in 2023. Image / Supplied

Researchers say he has since swum a total of over 1,600km to the south-west of Tasmania.

Anyone with concerns about the seal can call the marine mammal hotline on 0427 942 537 (0427 WHALES).

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