Tasmanian nurses have filed a dispute over “unrelenting and unreasonable” workloads and a failure to meet minimum staffing levels across most wards and units.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd said the union has taken the issue to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission.
She claims that despite previous industrial action in August, the government and Department of Health have failed to keep promises to boost agency staffing numbers and address understaffing issues.
“None of these commitments have occurred and members are left to deal with understaff clinical areas that places themselves and their patients at risk,” Shepherd said.

The union has filed a dispute with the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC), backed by specific examples of understaffing incidents.
One example cited by the ANMF involves a clinical ward operating with four nurses less than the required number, representing almost 50% of the staffing requirement for that shift.

The TIC has scheduled conciliation talks between the ANMF and the Department of Health next week.
The union is seeking immediate action to address the staffing crisis and ensure safe working conditions for nurses and midwives.
A spokesperson for the Department of Health acknowledged the hard work of healthcare professionals and pointed to recent meetings with the ANMF.
“We are committed to constructive engagement with them, including through the TIC process, to address their concerns and ensure the best healthcare outcomes for Tasmanians,” they said.
The spokesperson said Tasmanian hospitals have plans in place to ensure that guidelines on staffing numbers are met, as well as community care needs.